the last week I spend together with Sebi Geiger, Gumper, the Mangolds, the duds from the Freeski-Academy and some more friends. We were skiing at the Stubaier glacier and did some other stuff. The weather was perfect and also the park conditions.
On Saturday was the Sportscheck competition on a extra kicker. The kicker wasn't so big but funny and the level was crazy for this kicker size.
Finally I got 3 place :) with a switch cork 9 tail and a flat 9 mute. Im super-duper happy about that.
1. Roy Kittler
2. Flo Geyer
3. Ich
4. Raphi Schweiger
5. Tobi Mangold
6. Sebi Geiger
7. Maxi Noppeney
8. Jonas Funk
A little edit, enjoy it!
Holidy-edit from Johannes Drexl on Vimeo.
Here are some pics:

cab 9

Me and Sebi filming

Flat 9 at the comp

See ya Hannes
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