Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 2011


Hey guys,

yesterday we were skiing the first time in Keystone. The weather was just perfect and the park conditions are unbelievable. There are so much rails and super good kickers.
A little edit will come soon.

Here are some pics:

Stay tuned!


Donnerstag, 24. November 2011

Dienstag, 22. November 2011

one day shooting on the kaunertal glacier for on3-südwild

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More Ski Videos

Sonntag, 24. April 2011

Spring in the park

hey guys,
yesterday i was with my friend and filmer Max at the Zugspitze. There is at the moment the Spring in the park camp. The park is really funny.

Here are some pics and a little edit:


Mittwoch, 20. April 2011

Back on snow

Hey guys,

sorry for long time no post but now I am back and snow after my injury.
The last three days I spend at the Kauntertal. It was pretty good. I had a lot of fun and the conditions were very good at the snowpark.

Here are some pics and a little edit:

the park

the glacier



Sonntag, 16. Januar 2011


Hey guys,

this weekend I was together with Lucas Mangold in Davos for the Swiss Freeski Open. There we met the Freeski-Academy and the other guys.
At Saturday was the Pipe competition. But there I just did some fun runs. Lucas got 5 place in the rookie category! YES
I trained on the Big Air Kicker, I did my first doub 12. Today was the Big air comp, but I fucked up. During the training I always stomped my tricks but than in the comp I did stupid mistakes!
But it was a good and funny weekend!

Here is a little edit:


Sonntag, 9. Januar 2011

Interview CAD magazine

Hey guys,
i had a Interview in the new Cad magazine!
Special thx to the photographers (Flo Breitenberger, Harald Wishalter, Maximilan Prechtel, Max Schütze) and Facy!
Check it out!
Stay tuned!

Freitag, 7. Januar 2011

Urban Trip with Aestivation in Dresden!

heey everybody,

last week I was together with Sebi Geiger, Roy Kittler, our photographer Olli Modosch and Aestivation filmer Niklas in Dresden!
There we did some urban stuff! It was a good trip.
We slept at Roy´s home. THX

Here are some pics: (Thx Olli)
Selfmade Inrun by Roy!

Im Arsch!

Today I was in Ehrwald, too enjoy the rest from the holidays!

Thx Gumper

And dont forget, in a few days will start my page "follow the talent" on downdays!
