Samstag, 29. Mai 2010

1 waterramp day, funny!


today I had my first waterramp day this year.
It was sooooo much fun! Near the waterramp some people did a party and one of the drunken people hit the small Kicker :D
It was his first jump in his life!
And he did a backflip.

Check it out:

waterramp Peiting from Johannes Drexl on Vimeo.

Montag, 17. Mai 2010

Training in the Olympic swimming bath (3 backflip)

Hey everybody, first I wanna say sorry for not blogging that long!

Now I am fit again after my injury on my ancle.

Last Saturday I was with my two friends Jonas and Marlon in Munich at the olympic bath. There we train some new tricks :)

We did a 3 backflip.

Here the clip:

Olympiabad from Johannes Drexl on Vimeo.

peace Hannes